Recordings by 'The Sportsmen'

Here is a discography of 12 phonograph recordings by "The Sportsmen" :

Down By The Old Mill Stream - CAPITOL - 615 - xref: CAP34/615; ~3 min
Down In Jungle Town - CAPITOL - 613 - xref: CAP34/613; ~3 min
I Found A Million Dollar Baby - CAPITOL - 1507 - ~3 min
In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree - CAPITOL - 614 - xref: CAP34/614; ~3 min
Me And My Shadow - CAPITOL - 1507 - ~3 min
Meet Me Tonight In Dreamland - CAPITOL - 613 - xref: CAP34/613; ~3 min
My Gal Sal - CAPITOL - 496 - ~3 min
Red Rose Rag - CAPITOL - 614 - xref: CAP34/614; ~3 min
Toolie Oolie Doolie - CAPITOL - 15077 - Composer: Artur Saul - Vaughn Horton; matrix: 3271-5; ~3 min
Tutti Frutti Pizzicatto - CAPITOL - 496 - ~3 min
When You Wore A Tulip - CAPITOL - 615 - xref: CAP34/615; ~3 min
You Cant Be True Dear - CAPITOL - 15077 - Composer: Griffin - Otten - Ebeler - Cotton; matrix: 3272-2-; ~3 min